Academic Affairs 教學事務
Finding Innovation in Your Turn 找到創新之路
Astro Heart is aimed to provide training to young people in the skills of creation and communication in digital media industry. We give young person with forward-looking innovative education, employment support and career planning services, and helping them to find innovation in their turn. We target young aged 18 to 30. Our courses are based on vocational training focusing on technical skills and pre-work knowledge so that students have sufficient knowledge and experience in digital media production to meet industy needs. All the courses use current mainstream softwares as a learning platform to create media works that meet industry standards through learning, setting, and conducting the skills and abilities of design software.
Astro Heart 致力培訓青年人在數碼媒體行業的創作及溝通能力,為青年人提供前瞻性的創新教育、就業支援及生涯規劃服務,協助他們找到創新之路。我們以18至30歲的青年人為教學對象,課程均以職業培訓為基礎,訓練集中於專業技能及職前知識,讓學員在數碼媒體製作上有足夠的知識及經驗,去滿足行業的需要。所有課程均以現時主流的軟件為學習平台,通過學習、設定及運用設計軟件的技巧及能力,製作出合符業界標準的媒體作品。